Flower Arrangements in a Vase


Nothing is more valuable and fundamental to floristry than the simple art of putting flowers in a vase. It sounds easy enough, but the extremes of someone doing this for the first time with no prior knowledge versus an experienced florist typically yield a big difference in results. The aim of arranging flowers in a vase is to maximise the aesthetic impact of the flowers. When using many varieties, colours, and sizes of flowers and foliage, you want each stem to compliment the next. It can be a fine balancing act but when you master this technique, it’s one that will no doubt serve as the cornerstone of your flower arranging future. In this course, you will learn how to match flowers combinations as well as vase designs in order to give your house a true outdoor floral feeling.

1. Introduction

Fundamentals of Floristry

Fundamentals of Floristry is an entry point into the world of flower arranging. Our top florist will talk about the core concepts and ideas that are so important for any area of floristry. This will give you a comprehensive overview of the things to look for when arranging your flowers and bouquets. Concepts such as colour, space, and foliage are explored. Perfect for anyone looking to enter the floral world.

2. Vase Arrangement Technique

The classic method

Learn how to arrange your flowers in freestyle by using the greenery as a form of chickenwire, this is what gives the arrangement its structure and helps it stay in place. Once we have built the structure we will then learn about layering the flowers and foliage to build out an impressive arrangement. The technique of using the greenery as chickenwire is a much more environmentally friendly technique. In this part of the online floristry course, Zita will impart her expert florist knowledge and by the end of the course, you will be one step closer to being a pro.

3. Vase arrangement with tape

The professional florist's technique

The tape technique is such a vital method that professional florists use to support flowers and to create a lovely vase flower arrangement without the need to use floral foam. Follow Zita’s instructions and you will transform your ability to make fantastic flower vases and you will never look back again!

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction - Fundamentals of Floristry

  • 2

    Vase Arrangment Technique

    • Vase Arrangement part 1

    • Vase Arrangement part 2

    • Vase Arrangement part 3

  • 3

    Vase Arrangement with Tape

    • Vase with Tape Technique part 1

    • Vase with Tape Technique part 2

    • Vase with Tape Technique part 3

Buy the Flowers and Accessories

Get the package of flowers, foliage and accessories for this course

We have partnered up with one of the UK's most well known florist shops, Flower Station of London, to bring you an all inclusive package of flowers, foliage and tools that you need to complete this course, all delivered right to your door. This is a separate purchase, and you will still need to buy the course in order to have access to it.

Click here to buy the flower package on Flower Station's website.

Course Instructor

Who is teaching this course?

Senior Florist

Zita Hesz- Furmann

Widely respected, Zita has been part of the Flower Station family for a number of years. Highly creative and skilled, Zita aims to share her expert knowledge with her students though the online courses that she teaches.

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