Flower Arrangements in a Vase
1. Introduction
Fundamentals of Floristry
2. Vase Arrangement Technique
The classic method
3. Vase arrangement with tape
The professional florist's technique
Course curriculum
Introduction - Fundamentals of Floristry
Vase Arrangment Technique
Vase Arrangement part 1
Vase Arrangement part 2
Vase Arrangement part 3
Vase Arrangement with Tape
Vase with Tape Technique part 1
Vase with Tape Technique part 2
Vase with Tape Technique part 3
Buy the Flowers and Accessories
Get the package of flowers, foliage and accessories for this course
We have partnered up with one of the UK's most well known florist shops, Flower Station of London, to bring you an all inclusive package of flowers, foliage and tools that you need to complete this course, all delivered right to your door. This is a separate purchase, and you will still need to buy the course in order to have access to it.
Click here to buy the flower package on Flower Station's website.
Course Instructor
Who is teaching this course?
Senior Florist
Zita Hesz- Furmann